Are you planning for a trip within india?

Whether you’re going to India, Nepal, Thailand or any other international destination, I highly recommend you consider getting a good quality travel insurance plan.

“If you can’t afford travel insurance then you can’t afford to travel…”

In India (& SE Asia) you need to expect the unexpected… Whether it’s a minor car crash or anything else that can rack up huge bills, you need to be covered.

May be you are super excited with your holiday plan.

Hold on have you thought how well be your holiday, Good one or memorable one.

Travelling can be exciting but it can bring danger to your life.

A quick “worst case” story we can take

A man was trekking in the Himalayas staying at tiny little inns with very breathtaking views of the majestic mountains.

Everything was perfect.

But… at the next stop when the bags were being taken from the bus to the hotel lobby, somehow, his didn’t make it! All he had were the clothes on his back and a small bag.

This meant he had to borrow clothes and gear from friends until he could buy new stuff in Kathmandu.

The worst part: The person didn’t have travel insurance! And of course he lost $1000’s of dollars which would have been reimbursed if he had insurance

Don’t scared ! 

Are you finding difficulty on getting a travel insurance ? Seek advice of a financial planner who will make ease for you. Just leave a missed call @022 62116588 and have a personalised financial planner for FREE. MoneyMindz provides Free Financial Advisory, Financial Investment Services, Financial Planning, Certified Financial Planner Assistance, Retirement Planning Advisory, Free Financial Advisors, Online Personal Finance, On-call Investment Management, Best Financial Planner, CFP India, Personal Financial Planning. 

“Always remember where there is will there is a way “

Get a travel insurance , ideally the same day when you buy the tickets

Let us know some benefits of having travel insurance:-

Trip Cancellation

Insurance for trip cancellation or interruption is a must consider point if you are traveling long distance. These kind of policies cover cancellations due to weather, sudden illness, death and emergencies whilst at home or abroad.

Medical Emergency

Medical emergency is perhaps the single most important factor to consider proper travel insurance cover. Under this cover, you will get assistance if get sick or injured overseas. The policy covers your treatment cost, cost of medical advice from doctors, medical bills and even evacuation to your home country or nearest country where adequate medical facilities are available for your treatment

Lost baggage

Every traveller fear loss of baggage in transit, and sometimes this actually comes true. Although most airlines have compensation policies for lost baggage, it may not be sufficient to cover the cost of the lost bag. Travel insurance goes some way in ensuring that the cost of your belongings is at least recovered.

Personal liability

This is a new cover that some insurers offer and it covers against accidental damage to other people’s property. It is ideal for people travelling with children.

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