“We are ready to save from peculiar scenarios”

  • A 42-year-old woman came out from bath in a sunny afternoon at Mumbai received expend, a form of fund for her house after locking a badger in her storeroom. It ended disastrously. The badger, with no other way, then ate a hole in the wall to escape.
  • ·It was a rainy evening and a miracle happened which no one has ever heard before. One family received a whopping 25,000 rupees disbursement after a pigeon flew down their chimney and damaged the carpet, ornaments and sofas.
  • A seven-month-old puppy in a remote area of Orissa caused Rs. 4353 of damage when he pinched a bottle of oil from the kitchen, dragged it to the living room and chewed it while sitting on the couch.
  • In a remote place, somewhere in south India, a squirrel smashed a window of an 61-year-old woman after it became stuck in her bedroom.
  • However, animals were not the only things behind these weird claims – 
  • A 39-year-old man received Rs 1471 after a gust of wind blew his glasses off his face while he was on his way to home. It was a winter evening and much to his dismay, the glasses were run over by a car
  • A proud grandfather in Kolkata, West Bengal, received a new 24493 rupees laptop after holding up his baby grandson to show a friend on Skype. The baby just after finishing his lunch, his joyful grandpa holds him so tightly, and shakes him that the end result was – the baby then vomited all over the computer.

Some specialist insurance advisors in Moneymindz, from the almost 2,000 successful cases compiled the list of bizarre insurance claims in 2015-16.

Moneymindz will give you the best financial advises free in these sort of cases also. We live in a bizarre world and strange things happen. Keep all your priced possessions and constant companion in safety.

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