This question is right up there with “What is love?”, and “Why does toast always fall butter side down?” in the pantheon of the great unanswerable of life.
However, that doesn’t stop people –and me – from trying to answer.
There are lots and lots of possible ways to address this. For our purposes here, I’m going to suggest that for the biggest gains, exploit the holy trinity of growth investing: (1) find a growing sector, (2) identify the leading company in this sector and (3) buy the leading company when it’s cheap.
When it comes to stocks, buying the best – at the right price – is worth it.
There are a lot of ways to make (and lose) money as an investor. Some strategies are very complex. Others are common sense and simple to understand – but not always easy to implement.
As a rule of thumb, if you invest in the best company in a dying industry, you’ll probably lose money. You’re fighting the tide and will probably wind up out at sea. And if you invest in an average company in a growing sector, things could go either way. (Of course valuations matter here as well.)
You can make use of the following mediums which can be of help to you while selecting stocks.
Social Media

The Social Media industry has also been an attractive target for day trading, recently. The massive influx of online media companies, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, has been followed by a high trading volume for their stocks.Moreover, debate rages over the capability of these companies to transform their extensive user bases to a sustainable revenue stream. (bulls, bears and pigs of the stock market)
Financial Services
Financial services corporations provide excellent day-trading stocks.
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High Liquidity and Volatility
Liquidity, in financial markets, refers to the relative ease with which a security is obtained, as well as the degree by which the price of the security is affected by its trading. Stocks that are more liquid are more easily day traded; moreover, liquid stocks tend to be more highly discounted than other stocks and are, therefore, cheaper
Trading Volume and Trade Volume Index (TVI)
The volume of the stock traded is a measure of how many times it is bought and sold in a given time period. This time period is most commonly within a day of trading. More volume indicates interest in a stock, whether that interest is of a positive or negative nature.
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