Everyone would dream about winning the lottery and getting crazy rich overnight. But dreams are nothing than a puff of thoughts.
Most people would like to get rich and buy a great mansion, drive a nice car and just spend as much money on stuff they love. But how many know what getting rich really means and what it takes?
Being rich is not just about the dollar amount, it’s a lot more than that.
Being rich is a state of mind. In a sense, you could be rich but still poor, and vice versa.
You can define “rich” in different ways. There are a lot of people who simply consider it as having a lot of money. For them, rich is equivalent to a being a millionaire.
But rich can also be psychological richness. It is an achievement of being able to live without the worry of money. You don’t necessarily need to own a castle to be considered rich. Everyone can be rich as long as we are able to do what we desire freely and to have the fulfilment in life. The key of it is to live with or even less than what you have. To be “normal” even when you are financially capable to do a lot more.

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Here are some tips of becoming rich.
Adopt the producer mentality.
You must make a major shift from being a consumer to producer. Here are some examples: consumers eat pizza, producers make pizza; consumers watch movies, producers make movies; consumers search for jobs, producers provide jobs. Every millionaire is a producer. Only producers get rich.
The overarching goal of a producer is not to eat, but to feed people. Obviously, producers must consume at some point, but it isn't their primary goal. Instead of seeking their next meal, they're more interested in providing the next meal for someone else, knowing that they will have the chance to eat in the process.
Put money in the stock market.
Invest money in stocks, bonds, or other vehicles of investment that will give you an annual return on investment (ROI) great enough to sustain you in your retirement
Don't get enticed by day traders who tell you it's easy to make a quick buck. Buying and selling dozens of stocks every day is essentially gambling. If you make some bad trades — which is unbelievably easy to do — you can lose a lot of money. It's not a good way to get rich.
Instead, learn to invest for the long run. Choose good stocks with solid fundamentals and excellent leadership in industries that are primed for future growth. Then let your stock sit. Don't do anything with it. Let it weather the ups and downs. If you invest wisely, you should do very well over time.
Sacrifice for stupid expenses.
The great majority of people are afraid to make sacrifices because they think they'll lose something. The single mother won't buy a $20 book that will help her earn $20,000 extra dollars. She's the same mother who's afraid of the cost, but still would buy a video game for her son to make him happy.
Before you become rich, you must become poor. Besides lottery winners and heirs who receive hefty inheritances, you must be willing to pay the price and sacrifice everything. You must be able to handle the worst if you want to expect the best. There will be many times where you'll have to delay gratification to focus on a bigger goal, which is always worth it in the end.
Make a budget (and stick to it)
Create a monthly budget that covers all of your basic expenses and leaves a little bit of "fun" money aside. Sticking by your budget and saving at least some money each month is a good way to lay the groundwork for your efforts to get rich
Ideally, set up an automatic withdrawal into another account so that you aren't even tempted to touch it. If you never see it, you won't miss it. Squirreling away savings will help you anticipate emergency scenarios and prepare you for retirement.
How much money should you try to save? It mostly depends on your salary, but a good benchmark is 15% to 20%. If you can only afford to save 10% of your annual income, that's fine, provided that you save some of it.
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